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Ep. 19 What Happened to the Democrat Party?

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Just what do we mean by asking this question? It seems that today the Democrats have moved toward the Socialistic side of the fence and it does not begin with new members. It has been there for at least the last 163 years but it really grew into the Socialist ideology with their platform. It was in 1944 that the Socialist Party “merged” with the Democratic Party, an action that took a long time to work nearly a total Socialist ideology into the Democratic Party.

The following paragraphs represent what has happened to the Democratic Party since the 1944 introduction of the Socialist Party with the addition of the infiltration of the Communist Party gaining even more members into it from the Democrats.

“Norman Thomas, the six-time Socialist Party candidate for U.S. President, said the following in a 1944 speech:

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened…. I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.”

Late in 2010, Communist Party USA member C.J. Atkins called for his comrades to drop their “communist” label, so that they could work more effectively inside the Democratic Party. Soon thereafter, Joe Sims, co-editor of the CPUSA publication Peoples World, acknowledged not only that collaboration with the Democrats “will be an area of engagement for those wanting to make a difference,” but also that communists might someday be able to “capture” the Democratic Party entirely. Sims warned, however, against dissolving the CPUSA entirely into the Democratic Party. Rather, he advised his organization to remain a separate entity, working both inside and outside the Democratic Party as circumstances required.”

It becomes very clear that many members of the House of Representatives are now openly declaring themselves as Socialists. This is clearly shown by some of the recently elected representatives proudly saying they are Socialists and many Democrats are either members or very closely tied to both the Socialist Party and/or the Communist Party.

The United States was formed as a “republic,’ not a “democracy.” The change from the republic to democracy happened in 1919 and has become much worse during the Obama years in which Obama himself was a near-pure Communist and actually studied Marxism while in California. Obama’s tutor from his high school to college was a man named Frank Marshal Davis, who was a Communist Party member and taught Obama the way of Communism.

Today, Democrats are much more aligned with both the Socialist Party and the Communist Party. We should ask any person running for public office if they are a member of either the Socialist or the Communist Party, and if they are, the three words that built this nation, “We the People” is not considered in their ideology.

To illustrate some of these top Democrats and how they are closely affiliated to both the Socialist/Communist Parties, let’s just look at the 5 top names of both houses of our Congress who are supposed to uphold the Constitution but instead wish to destroy it and replace it with the Socialist/Communist version of the Constitution where we lose protection of our God-given rights.

Nancy Pelosi

“On November 11, 1995, Pelosi and fellow Democratic Congressman Ron Dellums were the keynote speakers at a public hearing on jobs and economic insecurity in San Francisco. The event was co-sponsored by the San Francisco Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the Full Employment Coalition.

In the 1996 Congressional elections, the DSA’s Political Action Committee endorsed Pelosi’s candidacy. “I pride myself in being called a liberal,” Pelosi said that year. “… I don’t consider myself a moderate.”[7]

In 1997 Pelosi co-sponsored Congressman Matthew Martinez’s Job Creation and Infrastructure Restoration Act, which proposed to use $250 billion in federal funds for the establishment of union-wage jobs rebuilding infrastructure (e.g., schools, hospitals, libraries, public transportation, highways, and parks). Martinez had previously introduced this bill in 1995 at the request of the Los Angeles Labor Coalition for Public Works Jobs, whose leaders were all supporters or members of the Communist Party USA.

Now, let’s move on to another member of Congress, one that has been declaring that we should “impeach 45”. Yes, it’s none other than Maxine Waters. Her ties to the Communists and Socialists are widely known and she is not afraid to get their support.


In 1982, Waters lent her name to a pamphlet published by the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, a Communist Party USA front group that was led by Party members and supporters including Angela Davis, Charlene Mitchell, Anne Braden, and Frank Chapman.

On March 9, 1983, in Los Angeles, Waters participated in a gathering where some 300 people laid out plans for a large solidarity event that was slated to coincide with the L.A. Summer Olympics July/August 1984. The 1983 meeting that Waters attended was organized by the Federation For Progress, a Communist Workers Party front group. For further details about that meeting and its participants, click here.

In February 1984, at UC Berkeley, Waters spoke at a conference called “Growth Pains: Dialogues on Employment, Equality and Environment.” The event was sponsored by the Democratic Socialists of America and Socialist Review, the monthly magazine of the Socialist Workers Party.

Circa July 1984, Waters was a sponsor of a San Francisco reception organized by the Democratic Socialists of America’s American Solidarity Movement, whose Initiating Committee included such notables as Michael Harrington, Stanley Aronowitz, Balfour Brickner, Harry Britt, Harvey Cox, Ron Dellums, Bogdan Denitch, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cynthia Epstein, Jules Feiffer, Barney Frank, George Higgins, Irving Howe, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Frances Fox Piven, Jose Rivera, Ray Rogers, Gloria Steinem, Peter Steinfels, and Ellen Willis.

Waters served on the welcoming committee for an April 27, 1991 event in Los Angeles honoring South African Communist Party (SACP) leader Chris Hani. The attendees that day contributed more than $12,000 to help fund the SACP and the People’s Weekly World, the official newspaper of the Communist Party USA.

“In May 1992,” reports author and political activist Trevor Loudon, “Waters put her name to a supplement in the Communist Party‘s newspaper, the People’s Weekly World, which called for readers to ‘support our continuing struggle for justice and dignity.’ Virtually all other signatories were known Communist Party members or supporters.”

In the mid-1990s, Waters employed Patrick Lacefield, a prominent member of Democratic Socialists of America, as her press secretary and speechwriter.

We could show a lot more and if you wish to see Maxine Waters’ affiliations to both the Socialists and Communists, click here.

Keith Ellison

“In August 2006 the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) said: “If Keith Ellison is elected in November to represent Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, he will bring to the U.S. House of Representatives a fresh progressive voice in the tradition of Paul Wellstone. He will also be the first African American congressman from Minnesota and the first Muslim in the U.S. Congress.”

Soon after joining the House of Representatives, Ellison became a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the Congressional Black Caucus, and the Out of Iraq Congressional Caucus.

In May 2008 in St. Louis, Ellison was a panelist at a town hall meeting held at the 37th International Convention of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, which was founded by the Communist Party USA.”

It is clear that the Communist Party has very close ties to Ellison.

Let us move on to a name from the Senate side that is now against protecting the very United States that he has traded for the Communist/Socialist ideology. Although Chuck Schumer is not a member of these two anti-United States groups, he has ties to both and with the recent ideas he has in “Criminal Illegal Alien” people, it shows. His association with these groups is not shown clearly but standing side by side with Nancy Pelosi shows he supports both groups over the ideology of the United States.


“In 1998 Schumer was elected to the U.S. Senate. His candidacy was backed by the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, a Communist Party USA splinter group. In subsequent years, Schumer also received support from the Working Families Party.”

There is not much more than this in any form about Schumer’s close connection to both Socialists/Communists. This does, in fact, show he has support from both anti-United States groups. Yet, we are supposed to believe that Schumer is bound to help the USA? We think not. His association to both of these Anti-United States groups is enough to state that anything he says cannot be good for the United States or for its security.


“By 1990 Sanders was a leading member of Jesse Jackson‘s National Rainbow Coalition, and he ran successfully for Congress as a socialist, representing Vermont’s single at-large congressional district. In his campaign, Sanders was supported by the Communist author and journalist I.F. Stone.

In 1991, Sanders founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus along with fellow House members Tom Andrews, Peter DeFazio, Ron Dellums, Lane Evans, and Maxine Waters.

During the 1990s, Sanders participated multiple times in the Socialist Scholars Conferences that were held annually in New York City.

Over the years, Bernie Sanders’s political campaigns have received strong support from such organizations as the AFL-CIO, the American Association for Justice, the Backbone Campaign, the Council for a Livable World, the Democratic Socialists of America, and Peace Action.”

Sanders is a strong supporter of the Apollo Alliance, a coalition of environmentalists and big labor that wants the federal government to take over America’s energy industry.

Bernie Sanders is not afraid to say he is a Socialist and his actions prove it with the ideas of the government to take over the companies he believes hurt the United States. Pay particular attention to those organizations supporting him. Just the AFL-CIO should shock anyone because the head of this Union is none other than Richard Trumka, who has very close ties to Communist organizations. Trumka has been the speaker at many of the Communist events.

All those named in this article have close ties to what may be the biggest threat to our nation, George Soros, who in a Newsweek article in 1979 stated:

“I’ve made my life’s mission to destroy the United States. I hate this country and I hate all the people in it.”

This attitude may come from the fact that George Soros had the best job of his life working for the Nazi Party at 14 years old. Soros said that was the best time of his life.

George Soros pulls the strings on virtually every Democrat now in office so he can control their outcome. Soros contributes to nearly every Democrat.

We have dug deep into the backgrounds of Republicans and we cannot find the close connections to the Anti-United States groups, that being the Socialists and Communists. This made us feel good because we know that the Republicans are much more accurate when they say they support the Constitution and the American people. We can never say the same about the Democratic Party since it has absorbed both the Socialist and Communist Parties’ ideologies and means. Go ahead and look up the word “progressive” and “liberal” and you will see that their ideologies are no different than those of both the Socialist and Communist Parties. Both names are used to ease the acceptance of Socialism and Communism.

This article shows just what type of people we have in our nation’s legislature which controls our formation of laws and rules. “We the People” had better wake up and see who the very people we have shown really are and stop their direct attempt to “control” nearly every facet of our lives through the rule of Socialism and Communism. Our forefathers would certainly call for an armed uprising today to get rid of those in our legislature that are not there to adhere to our Constitution, but to do all they can to destroy it. Yes, it is on our backs that this happened and no one but each of us can correct it by placing people in the legislatures from local to the top that have our Constitutional rights held high without wishing to corrupt their ideals. It is “We the People” that can make this right or we allow the Socialists/Communists to get their way and tell us what each phase of our lives is right. Wake up free or be a SLAVE to the Socialists/Communists. It is up to you.



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